Hampshire Greens event

7 November 2015

South East Green Party logo

On Saturday 7th November a few of us from the local party went to an event in Winchester.

The event gave us an opportunity to have presentations and opportunities to feedback to representatives from the area, Hampshire transport initiative ‘sustrans’ and European contribution via Eloise Shavelar (Keith Taylors South East England MEPs assistant). There were break out sessions for groups to work on amongst other things; a Hampshire wide network strategy, discuss a few of the similar topics of interest and growing concern across the district and consider strategies for winning seats with Darren Johnson (London assembly member). The event was very productive. We chose a simple strategic federal approach in order to work on communication to local groups. Kylie Barton was agreed and voted to be the group coordinator, who will have access to local groups reps and send out a monthly newsletter to members (in order not to overwhelm with unnecessary digital exchanges.)

The day provided time to get to know others from the area, time to understand some of the challenges we face over the whole area, to agree where effort and time could be best spent and to share ideas on our campaigns and objectives. Personally I came away feeling that we can be assured of support from a wider local area and it also made me realize the wealth of experience our previous campaigns had given us. We can only build on this and be assured that a local network will help us in our efforts here in the City of Portsmouth.

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